
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Locks of Love and a 50s Housewife

Since my little family is here for this time of the year, we have the chance to be a part of Locks of Love. My aunt runs and owns a salon in Ramona, CA called Artistry in Hair, and every year they do Locks of Love. What is LoL? Well, it is when people grow their hair out to at least 10 inches long, and they go in and get it cut. The cut hair is donated to LoL, for people who are dealing with cancer and such. All proceeds go to the foundation as well. So this year, on Feb 14th, Jónas and I will take all money that comes from Elskan Baby that day and donate it. This includes us having a bunch of hats on location at the salon for people to purchase right away. I hope people will take the initiative and help a great cause! We are stoked to be a part, and to help out!

On a side note, I just purchased this awesome book that reminds me of the secret desire I have to become a 50's housewife. The kind that wears the frilly apron, and cooks dinner for friends, has tea time, and never has a stray hair. Maybe this book will help me get a step closer to that! OH, and to getting into shape! That is the big factor in me getting the book! Eating healthier!

Pretty Delicious: Lean and Lovely Recipes for a Healthy, Happy New You

You really should check it out!!

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